Edible Constellations

Today, I’m excited to share a fun and educational activity that’s perfect for a cozy afternoon indoors: creating your very own constellations using pretzel sticks and marshmallows. Not only is this activity a blast, but it also provides a tasty treat at the end – a win-win for everyone!

Materials Needed:

  • Pretzel sticks
  • Marshmallows (regular or mini)
  • Optional: Small plates or trays for each child to create their own constellation


  1. Prepare Your Workspace: Lay out a plate or an art tray on your kitchen counter or table to prevent sticking.
  2. Choose Your Constellation: Start by discussing some well-known constellations with your kids. You can show them pictures or use a star map as a reference. Encourage them to pick a favorite or come up with their own imaginative designs.
  3. Assemble the Stars: Take a handful of pretzel sticks and arrange them to represent the stars in your chosen constellation. Leave a little space between each stick to make it easier to connect them with marshmallows.
  4. Connect with Marshmallows: Once your pretzel sticks are arranged, use the marshmallows to connect them and form the lines of the constellation. Repeat this process until your constellation is complete. It comes together pretty quick!
  5. Get Creative: Encourage your kids to get creative with their designs! They can make traditional constellations like Orion or Ursa Major, or they can let their imaginations run wild and invent their own unique patterns in the stars.
  6. Enjoy and Learn: As you work on your edible constellations, take the opportunity to teach your kids about the real constellations in the night sky. Share interesting facts about the stories and myths behind each constellation, and discuss how they got their names.
  7. Eat Your Creations: Once you’ve finished creating your edible constellations, it’s time for the best part – eating them!

Our Experience:

My girls absolutely loved this activity! Not only did they have a blast creating their own constellations, but they also enjoyed learning about the real stars in the night sky. They were fascinated by the stories behind each constellation and had a great time coming up with their own designs.

After we finished making our constellations, we gathered around and enjoyed our tasty creations. It was the perfect way to combine learning and fun on a lazy afternoon at home.

So if you’re looking for a fun and educational activity to try with your kids, I highly recommend creating edible constellations with pretzel sticks and marshmallows. It’s a surefire way to spark their imagination and satisfy their sweet and salty tooth at the same time!

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